Gentle Yoga with Theta Healing
“Even a little practice of this ancient science (yoga) will free you from dire fears and colossal suffering”.
Bhagavan Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita
Integrating Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, & ThetaHealing!
Re-claim it now!
It is your birthright to be happy.
If you are like most people you are in pain and haven’t found tools to get out of it. If you are thinking “of course I want to feel good and be happy all the time - but how?” This yoga practice is for you!
Anke Banderski will give you numerous simple self-help tips and tricks for pain relief that are easy to integrate into your daily life and that can shift your reality from confusion, doubt, fear, pain, and regret to clarity, focus, peace, balanced health, and happiness.
This practice is intended to be done by anyone, anywhere, at any time, in any situation.
Like to know more about our approach to Yoga?
Start anew your regular yoga practice TODAY!
Find stillness and serenity in the center of life's storms
Of course we aren't telling you to stop traditional approaches to healthcare and wellness (we leave that to your healthcare professionals). We just hope that you realize that there are tools that are already within us that help so much to create balance in our bodies, minds and lives.
We are excited to share practical tools with you to move restlessness out of the body and bring cosmic consciousness in, through asanas, ThetaHealing, mudras, pranayams, and visualizations.
Start anew your regular yoga practice TODAY... deepen your current one... release stress, lower your heart rate, calm your busy mind, strengthen your body. mind, and Spirit, and find stillness and serenity in the center of life's storms.
Yoga for Happiness!
Stand strong and connected in body, mind, and Soul!
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The focus for this class is "Be Here Now". How to be fully present in the moment, right here, right now.
This class is focused on bringing balance, focus, and energy to your day.
Our focus for this class is "Pranayams", life force exercises.
Our focus for this class is the 2nd Chakra, and how to flow through life's changes with ease and grace.
“My days used to be 90% panic and 10% good, now they are 99.9% great and .01% panic. I can never thank you enough for all that you have done in helping me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Greg Austin, CT
“For many years I felt stuck. My session with Anke was the breakthrough I had been praying for. Anke is an amazing, caring and loving person. She is "the real deal" - heart, mind and soul!”
Marfil Delgado, NY
“Anke, I had a wonderful time having you on the radio show and feedback from the listeners was just amazing! You're such a great asset to the JIL radio network! You have a very special gift that has gotten the attention of many. You do amazing work helping so many people and I know the universe will give back to you many times over for the work and love you give out."
Michael, Host of Journey into the Light Radio Show
“Yoga enables man to perceive the truth in all religions.”
Paramahansa Yogananda
“Anke, you are awesome! I was the one in the front row loving everything you did. Thank you for being so in your heart, for living in integrity and sharing what that looks like, and for sharing your gifts.”
Suzy, CA
5 star review ... I felt so much better, relaxed with a sense of clarity. Anke has a gift of facilitating healing and I continue to enjoy her gift by listening to her CD's at home. If you have the desire, time, and are open to receiving... sign up with Anke!
Jackie D, CA